Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24th 2014

I had a month of little results this Valentine season. Guess why? Cuz one day of candytuft turned into a whole week. I also had a lot of fattening romantic dinners so I took a hit and I finally got back to 179. I honestly don't know how realistic 165 will be in exactly one month but I haven't given up. I just finished my workout and I am feeling pumped that I am losing weight despite everything. I think a key ingredient to all of this is to believe and reward myself for. Progress instead of feeling likel a failure for being hungry or eating something delicious or not working out. I am strong and I am losing weight. If I even get close to my target weight it will be incredible. So I am still here. Fighting. Ps I have so many ideas for after I have my next baby. Next time this is going to be so much faster, just because I know what to expect now.