Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 28, 2016

As the title of my blog implies, I will keep running. I am very discouraged this started out the new year pretty good I thought. Somehow I am not losing the weight. I know I am doing great exercising. I do it nearly an hour everyday and I really sweat. I have seen more things that say that what you eat is 80% of weight loss. It may seem like I have learned enoug, but it is really hard to have that kind of self control. How in the world did I do it last time? Well I am still running people! I am not giving up on this dream.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13 2015

Well my baby was born May 1st and he is the best baby! I love him dearly. When he was born I lost 10 lbs and a little more with nursing so I am now 166. You will notice of course that it has been five months since the baby was born so where is the progress I have made since then? Sadly I have none to report. Exercising is always tricky with a new born and an active two year old, but if I am going to ever get to my ultimate goal of 130...ever...I am going to have to recommit here. I am willing to settle for 150 before we are planning on expecting our next baby. Fifteen lbs is doable I think . Especially since I have no weighed in at 150 since I was probably in jr. High. Still a big achievement! So here is my plan. Dinners have been making me feel sick lately because I have been enjoying the full capacity of a non squished stomach. It happens when you are in third trimester. In reality though I need to eat like a super sta to get this going since I have never gotten to the 150 s yet and my body is stuck on the 160s. SO! Fruits veggies, one egg, one lean meat, one carb super small dinners. Exercise at 5 am or four laps around the block at my Moms house. I also need to plan food better at home so that I actually use my fruits and veggies. Time goal? Let's go for Christmas. Then I will set a new goal for my birthday in March? 140 would be awesome, but let's just work on 150 for now. I have to be strong people! I have to be my own hand slapper. Let's do it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015

Well it has been a while so let me catch you up from the last time I posted. I am still looking for job ideas that I can do as a a stay at home mommy so feedback would still be nice. I am using my old scale, whose accuracy is questionable. It says I am 178 right now. That is still very doable since I am having this baby in 2 1/2 months. I am actually learning a lot about how much I can eat and be satisfied right now. I have been through this before but last night I ate a very small plate of food and I was totally fine. I hadn't realized how thoughtlessly I have been trying to staunch my hunger. Hunger that probably truly could translate into something else like stress. I know because I feel kind of sick afterwards. So I am going to take it down a a notch and who knows? Maybe lose one pound before my baby's weight doubles? Again a reiterate the fact that I do not believe losing weight while you are pregnant is a bad thing. You just shouldn't have earth shattering goals that could sacrifice the baby's health. Beside if you could see how I eat I don't think you would be too worried about me starving. Haha. That is the update. Sugar remains a frustrating distraction since I am working at a Frozen Custard establishment right now, so send me some positive energy everyone! The next time I write to you I might have a newborn baby boy! Or else I will be reporting to you soon! Thanks for the support!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Just putting this out there

I have a big drive to accomplish something for myself and my family. I want to be able to help support my family financially with one of those inborn easy talents that some people somehow pull out of their hats. I want to find that talent, that easy thing that I have too much of that gives people the money toward a house and a family and school just for the fun of going to school without my darling husband having to carry all the weight. Somehow I want that and I feel like step one is achieving my health goals so that I would suddenly have ll that time to find it and do it, but now I realize that good health will always cost me that time and that as soon as I let that go there will be no success. Not financially, health wise or personally. So what do I do? I invite you to tell me what to do because I won't stop praying and I won't stop working but sometimes people need more than their own thoughts. I could use some advice. Tell me how I can be a decent working stay at home mom and I will make up the fitness part somehow. Is it possible? Is someone out there doing it? Got anything? Please.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 3, 2015

Happy New Year! And you know what that means, new goals, which In my case means a few more mini-goals. I want to do a no sugar month for realsies this time. This is tough because today my husband ate four brownies, two cookies, and a handful of chocolate pretzels. He agrees to support me in this goal but we will see how well he can be a hand slapper. We'll I am giving it a try and today is day one accomplished. I was also able to have a no regret day of eating healthy! Yay! I think that's a tough one to achieve when you  are a hormonal pregnant girl with a growing appetite. So day one accomplished! My husband did go out and buy smaller bowls to help us regulate portion sizes better. I think I will wait till the baby is born to regulate much smaller besides using is to measure pasta and rice servings. Carbs are a toughie. Update! I have gained 3 lbs thus far and I am hoping to only gain 5 more to be 180. I also have a small plan worked out for after the baby is born.
Using portion bowls and doing mild weights for month one. Walking and weights month  two and 3. 30 day shred level1 month  four with all three level in the preceding months. I don't know if an hour daily will be plausible for me anymore after this baby but if I could even do it once a week that would be awesome. Oh and I need to stretch more. I forget all the time how good it feels. That's a rough plan for you folks! And my first battle is against sugar. One down you siren of sweetness! Day one....

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014

I am now second trimester and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but we have moved in with my mother in law for a couple of months so that my husband could finish off his schooling in one semester without working. During this time I have discovered have found a new love for the bathroom scale they have here. Apparently I am 169 and I haven't gained any weight yet. My mother in law says she is pretty sure it's accurate but I know I have had a few too many nights recently when I have over eaten. So this scale must surely be sweet talking me cuz I'm liking this lie a lot. If I can continue at this rate I should have not trouble at all being 185 at most on delivery have been working out off and on still. I always workout on Mondays and one other day of the week. Things have gotten busy lately with my Substitute Teaching job so I am trying to double that. My tummy is finally feeling like there is a little baby in there too, which is nice because I have always felt like I take forever to start showing. Now to talk about the holidays...everyone gains like...5 lbs this season and I am trying to be careful

Thanksgiving I will skip potatoes and go for the light meat turkey vegetables and whole wheat bread. Absolutely noon second helpings. One plate only. And remind me to drink water. I always forget.
My two must haves are sweet potatoe pie and pumpkin pie soo I will just have to be content with one small serving each. That sounds like a lot but perspectivly these things will be left overs all week after and I will not be eating them then so this is my one indulgence. I think that's fair. We will talk about Christmas later. That's a whole other temptation. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 8, 2014

I am at 171 and I worked really hard last month. My arms are more tone than they have ever been in my life and my legs feel so solid. I thought for a while that  after all this time something must be wrong if I am not dropping major pounds right now, but I have discovered that not only am I gaining som really good muscle I am also PREGNANT! Yah. That would explain some stuff. So here's what has been going on. Last time I was pregnant I gained 30 lbs. I was working at a restaurant and I was a lot more apprehensive about working out first trimester. SO! New goals.

I am only going to weigh myself once a week so that I don't stress out
I am going to count my calories so I don't go crazy thinking pregnancy is binge time cuz it's not.
I am going to workout daily for at least 45 minutes and pay attention to my body.

If all goes well I only want to gain 15 lbs this time. That means I only want to be at 185 on delivery day. By the way I don't believe in starving myself with a baby and I will talk to a doctor the whole time about what I can and can't do. But I have already been told about very athletic women having a perfectly safe pregnancy and that has been my point from the beginning. Besides I am already overweight. This baby is going to already have a nice warm fatty place to develope.  I am just going to do all I can to make sure that's gone as soon as possible when I meet are second baby!