Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1st 2014

I officially hate my scale. It WAS a misread. I know because in the course of the next few days it would be anywhere between 176 and 171 depending on how I stepped on it. I wanted to throw it across the room for toying with my emotions like that. Making me feel like I was making progress faster than I really was. Demonic thing. Well thank goodness it is the first of the month and anything is possible when there is a fresh race to run. 30 days to see what I can accomplish. I have been practicing portion control some more and I have begun to realize that I often eat thinking that I haven't eaten in a long time or wont eat for a long time. When I and calm and remind myself that food will be available again soon it is easier to manage eating just a little less than the amount that would make me satisfied. Usually I feel better for it anyways. So lets see how far I can go. 165 this month? I got this.