Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013- Thanksgiving Eve

186 lbs! But this is also the hard part. I have 3 days to reach my goal for the month of 185, which is 1 lb away! This is going to be tough because two of those days are Thanksgiving days where I could eat just about anything and go back a pound. So the trick is not to go overboard and don't stress about it. The tough part is I haven't had sugar in a while and Thanksgiving is the one day I am allowed. I would sure like to have some, but if it ruins everything. I would hate that. Self tips: very little potatoes, all the turkey and veggies I want. Enjoy the sugar, but only one slice (assuming it's pie). Alright everyone I am 1/3 done with my goal! I can do this!

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

187 lbs people. That means I have almost lost 10 lbs! 20 more to go and I am pre-baby weight! Thank to Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism workout that kicks my butt everyday and makes me feel like an active person. I think it's starting to show and I have been doing it for almost a month. just a reminder that my goal is to lose 30 lbs by my birthday, March 22nd. So I have about 4 months to finish 20 lbs. If I keep doing 5 every moth though...I think I can do it! *Note to self about losing weight after my next baby -If you are nursing drink TONS of water -Go easy on dinners -Go easy on sugar -Start slow then kick it in gear at 4-5 months, that's when I stopped feeling so wobbly. -Green bean spaghetti and other such alternatives are delicious! -Take time to play with the babies. It makes the rest of the day feel more fulfilling for everyone. *Note to self when I am pregnant to keep weight off -Pay attention to cravings and find out how to fulfill them with healthy things -Try some daily yoga and walking -No butter/easy on sugar -I PROMISE this will pass and you will feel in control again -Working out will make me less emotional Healthy Alternatives to Use *Spaghetti green bean spaghetti *Macaroni and cheese broccoli & cheese soup *Lasagna 1/4 mixed with salad *Ranch lemon juice *Eggs Poached or boiled *Bread Lettuce *Butter Avacado Cool huh?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 4, 2013

Hey everyone! So I am almost at 190 right now. This is the part I really have to start pushing because that's a number I haven't seen in a while and I think that will be great to see for me to stay motivated. i think I can make it happen today. I ate a good breakfast and I have made a bet with my husband that I can't have sugar this month in exception for Thanksgiving with moderation. If I fail I have to eat a habanero pepper in his presence. That's pretty good incentive right? Ha ha! Man it's tough though. Already I am noticing again how easy it is to dip your finger into a bowl of frosting, or batter that someone is making. It's quite a challenge to get out of that habit. My husband is also very kind to me because he thinks he can make up exceptions for me like "dark chocolate is okay if you only eat one." He is so cute and I wish he were right but if you bend a little in the beginning you brake down fast of your goals. So I am staying strong. One fun snack I found on Pinterest that my sister tried is apple slices and cucumber slices with lemon juice all over. It's refreshing, zesty, and mixes things up for my curious taste buds. I love it. I also made fruit water with the same stuff as a detox and it is so nice to drink in the morning and after my workout. Keep track of me people! I'm changing! Forgot to mention that I have been doing Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism circuit training workout on YouTube for going on 2 weeks every morning. It's 50 min and a bucket of sweat. I am feeling more balanced and confident. My body feels firmer and responds better when I challenge it. That sounds funny but when I was prego and postpartum my hips were all achy and elastic, and I was careful about round ligaments etc. This made me walk like an old lady. Well that's far behind me now, as least until I am ready for the next baby and it feels GOOD!