Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

187 lbs people. That means I have almost lost 10 lbs! 20 more to go and I am pre-baby weight! Thank to Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism workout that kicks my butt everyday and makes me feel like an active person. I think it's starting to show and I have been doing it for almost a month. just a reminder that my goal is to lose 30 lbs by my birthday, March 22nd. So I have about 4 months to finish 20 lbs. If I keep doing 5 every moth though...I think I can do it! *Note to self about losing weight after my next baby -If you are nursing drink TONS of water -Go easy on dinners -Go easy on sugar -Start slow then kick it in gear at 4-5 months, that's when I stopped feeling so wobbly. -Green bean spaghetti and other such alternatives are delicious! -Take time to play with the babies. It makes the rest of the day feel more fulfilling for everyone. *Note to self when I am pregnant to keep weight off -Pay attention to cravings and find out how to fulfill them with healthy things -Try some daily yoga and walking -No butter/easy on sugar -I PROMISE this will pass and you will feel in control again -Working out will make me less emotional Healthy Alternatives to Use *Spaghetti green bean spaghetti *Macaroni and cheese broccoli & cheese soup *Lasagna 1/4 mixed with salad *Ranch lemon juice *Eggs Poached or boiled *Bread Lettuce *Butter Avacado Cool huh?

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