Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014

I am now second trimester and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but we have moved in with my mother in law for a couple of months so that my husband could finish off his schooling in one semester without working. During this time I have discovered have found a new love for the bathroom scale they have here. Apparently I am 169 and I haven't gained any weight yet. My mother in law says she is pretty sure it's accurate but I know I have had a few too many nights recently when I have over eaten. So this scale must surely be sweet talking me cuz I'm liking this lie a lot. If I can continue at this rate I should have not trouble at all being 185 at most on delivery have been working out off and on still. I always workout on Mondays and one other day of the week. Things have gotten busy lately with my Substitute Teaching job so I am trying to double that. My tummy is finally feeling like there is a little baby in there too, which is nice because I have always felt like I take forever to start showing. Now to talk about the holidays...everyone gains like...5 lbs this season and I am trying to be careful

Thanksgiving I will skip potatoes and go for the light meat turkey vegetables and whole wheat bread. Absolutely noon second helpings. One plate only. And remind me to drink water. I always forget.
My two must haves are sweet potatoe pie and pumpkin pie soo I will just have to be content with one small serving each. That sounds like a lot but perspectivly these things will be left overs all week after and I will not be eating them then so this is my one indulgence. I think that's fair. We will talk about Christmas later. That's a whole other temptation. Wish me luck.

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