Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014

I am now second trimester and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but we have moved in with my mother in law for a couple of months so that my husband could finish off his schooling in one semester without working. During this time I have discovered have found a new love for the bathroom scale they have here. Apparently I am 169 and I haven't gained any weight yet. My mother in law says she is pretty sure it's accurate but I know I have had a few too many nights recently when I have over eaten. So this scale must surely be sweet talking me cuz I'm liking this lie a lot. If I can continue at this rate I should have not trouble at all being 185 at most on delivery have been working out off and on still. I always workout on Mondays and one other day of the week. Things have gotten busy lately with my Substitute Teaching job so I am trying to double that. My tummy is finally feeling like there is a little baby in there too, which is nice because I have always felt like I take forever to start showing. Now to talk about the holidays...everyone gains like...5 lbs this season and I am trying to be careful

Thanksgiving I will skip potatoes and go for the light meat turkey vegetables and whole wheat bread. Absolutely noon second helpings. One plate only. And remind me to drink water. I always forget.
My two must haves are sweet potatoe pie and pumpkin pie soo I will just have to be content with one small serving each. That sounds like a lot but perspectivly these things will be left overs all week after and I will not be eating them then so this is my one indulgence. I think that's fair. We will talk about Christmas later. That's a whole other temptation. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 8, 2014

I am at 171 and I worked really hard last month. My arms are more tone than they have ever been in my life and my legs feel so solid. I thought for a while that  after all this time something must be wrong if I am not dropping major pounds right now, but I have discovered that not only am I gaining som really good muscle I am also PREGNANT! Yah. That would explain some stuff. So here's what has been going on. Last time I was pregnant I gained 30 lbs. I was working at a restaurant and I was a lot more apprehensive about working out first trimester. SO! New goals.

I am only going to weigh myself once a week so that I don't stress out
I am going to count my calories so I don't go crazy thinking pregnancy is binge time cuz it's not.
I am going to workout daily for at least 45 minutes and pay attention to my body.

If all goes well I only want to gain 15 lbs this time. That means I only want to be at 185 on delivery day. By the way I don't believe in starving myself with a baby and I will talk to a doctor the whole time about what I can and can't do. But I have already been told about very athletic women having a perfectly safe pregnancy and that has been my point from the beginning. Besides I am already overweight. This baby is going to already have a nice warm fatty place to develope.  I am just going to do all I can to make sure that's gone as soon as possible when I meet are second baby!

Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1st 2014

I officially hate my scale. It WAS a misread. I know because in the course of the next few days it would be anywhere between 176 and 171 depending on how I stepped on it. I wanted to throw it across the room for toying with my emotions like that. Making me feel like I was making progress faster than I really was. Demonic thing. Well thank goodness it is the first of the month and anything is possible when there is a fresh race to run. 30 days to see what I can accomplish. I have been practicing portion control some more and I have begun to realize that I often eat thinking that I haven't eaten in a long time or wont eat for a long time. When I and calm and remind myself that food will be available again soon it is easier to manage eating just a little less than the amount that would make me satisfied. Usually I feel better for it anyways. So lets see how far I can go. 165 this month? I got this.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

My scale said I am 171 today. I hope it isn't a misread because I have been getting some compliments about how much thinner my face looks. It also means tha despite the Anniversaries fun I had last weekend, I am still on track. Ten pounds this month? Starting to look possible! Yes please!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary and I am currently 173lbs. I love how I never meet my goal for the month, but I still end up making a little progress. I think that is't such a bad thing considering the fact that I have now lost 24 lbs and I have eight more to. Go before I can say that I am as fit as I was before I got pregnant. To be quite honest I think I am even more fit though. Lately my husband has been working on Saturdays and I have had that extra day to be able workout. This week I worked out 5 of the 7 days and I am feeling stronger and stronger. I am so excited to be 165 and I am going to keep fighting to reach that ultimate goal of 140. Someday that will be me

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 8, 2014

I am now at 175. And I am only a week into this month. The end is in sight. Five more pounds for the month and then five pounds next month to get me back to pre baby weight. I had to stop working out for a while for health reasons but I am back. I am also learning again how important it is to recognize dinner as a time to eat only enough to feel satisfied. That means eating slow and mostly eating veggies. Dinners are what will make it or brake it for me. I also had a really bad sugar week a little while back so it is also a good time to remember that sugar has its place and if I have any it should be just enough to enjoy it. The other day I had a spoonful of ice cream and was happy to say that was all I needed to feel like I had dessert. It was great. I am still working on this. Stay with me people !

Thursday, March 27, 2014

New goal!

Ladies and gentleman I want to get to 140. That means I need to lose 40 lbs. As you have seen I have already lost 17 which will be a grand total of about 60 lbs lost. I realize I might get pregnant in the middle of all this because that was the point of my birthday goal but here's the thing. As excited as I am for another baby...I am not pregnant yet. So let's see how far I can go. Let's start with one month. I have always wanted to lose 10 lbs in a month. Let's see if I can do it!!!

March 27 2014

My goal date has passed and I am still at 179. I am going to be honest I was soo depressed this month because I felt like all the work I have been doing has bee going to waste and if I had actually recorded the things I was doing I would have seen a pattern. I am proud to have lost as much weight as I did though. Here's the thing. Let's get real. I am actually relieved that my goal date is over because that means I can start a new one. I have been thinking to have people managed to make such enormous transformations in 12 weeks or a yet ear when the most I could do this year was seventeen pounds. How did I lose 50 one year? What was I doing different. Because right now I am practically obsessed with losing weight. In fact I think that's part of the problem. I get so frustrated with is that I skip the workouts that would have made a difference. So I think the new key here is to desires and be happy. I am going to see what happens by just eating a little smarter and some basic exercise habits and just focusing on being happy. I think it would cure emotional eating and encourage me to work harder than if I just pushed myself to the limit. I also have an announcement to make. I am not done here!!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24th 2014

I had a month of little results this Valentine season. Guess why? Cuz one day of candytuft turned into a whole week. I also had a lot of fattening romantic dinners so I took a hit and I finally got back to 179. I honestly don't know how realistic 165 will be in exactly one month but I haven't given up. I just finished my workout and I am feeling pumped that I am losing weight despite everything. I think a key ingredient to all of this is to believe and reward myself for. Progress instead of feeling likel a failure for being hungry or eating something delicious or not working out. I am strong and I am losing weight. If I even get close to my target weight it will be incredible. So I am still here. Fighting. Ps I have so many ideas for after I have my next baby. Next time this is going to be so much faster, just because I know what to expect now.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014

I am now 179! I can't believe I am finally out of the 80's! I feel like it might actually be possible to each my goal by my birthday. I have lost 17 lbs in total and I hope to lose 13 more. I also just started a diet that promises that I will lose 10 lbs in a single week. I started today. I have to eat all fruit and 8-10 glasses of water. Here is how the whole thing looks. I am going to follow it to the letter. 10 lbs in a week is worth a shot and if it works I am totally going to do it after I have the next baby. 1. Fruit only (no bananas) 2. Veggies only 3. Fruits and Veggies only 4. Bananas and some soup 5. 6 tomatoes, 2 apples, a salad,1 orange,1 grapefruit, some rice 6. Veggies, Salad, Soup and Rice 7. Fruits, Veggies, and Rice This includes 8-10 glasses of water a day. No juices or oils,cheese or cream. Minimum salt and pepper usage. Day 1. I love fruit but it makes me feel cold if I eat it all day, so for future days with mainly fruit I need to find a good recipie to make them warm and not add sugar or butter. Also I have been drinking a lot of water. I am going to drink more now and I get really full before I use the restroom, but my eyes are on the goal.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 13th 2014

First of all, Happy New Year! I am now 182. I have been waiting to make some progress from my last blog. I hope to be 175 by the end of the month although based on my progress from the last few months I might barely break 180. But at least I have lost 14lbs from the beginning of this entire endeavor. I haven't been workout out this week because I have a bad case of strep throat and a stiff neck. I can't wait to see how much progress I can make when I get back to it! We are almost there!