Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 17 & 18

The other day I decided to switch things up and do some hard core...ab exercises instead of run. I probably should have done more, but it feels good to work out other muscle groups sometimes. I practically spoiled it all by going out to a delicious Chinese dinner with my mother-in-law who just got back from vacationing in Indiana.
Yesterday I am ashamed to say I did NOTHING! I feel fat for it too. Even though one day isn't going to kill anyone. It's starting to feel like a downward spiral. Especially since I haven't lost anything, but not gained either. It's just not an easy thing to go running in the morning when I have the baby to look after, mid-day when it is SUPER hot, and afternoon when I only have so much time to spend with my darlin husband before he goes to bed at 8. So I have had to rethink all of this. I am going to redesign this whole project. I will still run, but I am going to do it in the early morning (more time in the day) and in my house (not hot),. The trouble is making sure I follow through because it is so easy to sit on the couch when every sit up puts you face to face with it. So here is the new workout I am going to try out.

100 crunches
20 squats
20 push-ups
10 eagles
100 supermans
10 min run
REPEAT thrice

Does that sound like a good enough workout? I will try it out. Ususally I would put jumping jacks in there too, but I still pee. One more thing. No meat this week and no white bread. We are going to kick this darn thing in gear!

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