Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day ...hang on... fri, sat, sun, mon, tues...3 days later than my last entry? Oops....

Okay so here is the update. The last time I blogged I had just chopped down a tree...As an extension of that day's entry my darling husband took me on a romantic date to Tempe Park and we walked for about an hour together. See?! That is the kind of living that keeps people skinny! Making it a part of your lifestyle and not even worrying about if you exercised or not! I need to practice that.
Since then I tried working out early in the morning, when the baby is still sleeping, Michael has gone to work, and the house is clean. It kinda worked. I get my heart rate up pretty good if I dance instead of jog in place. I have also made an effort to eat better, but my first month is almost officially up and I have only lost one stinkin' pound!! So the question dedicated am I willing to be? It sounds like I need to be constantly focused on this project if any results are going to show. Guess all I can do is keep it up, but I might have to just take the heat and keep running. Sounds like an awful idea...Jeesh let's see what I can do first.

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