Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013

Okay there are a lot of special occasions coming up that might encourager me to lose track and splurge waaaay too much on calories. For example tonight we are going to an expensive restaurant to celebrate my best friend's anniversary. SO! I have done some research ahead of time to keep myself a little in check. So I went to Pinterest: My new favorite well on knowledge, and I found some great tips.

1. Drink before you eat (sometimes we mix up our need for liquids with our need for food)
2. Eat with your eyes. (Notice what you eat and love every bite because food is good!)
3. Chew slower (( More time to enjoy and digest)
4. Don't go all out on the appetizer (It's usually oily or bad carbs)
5. Have an apple before you go. (That way you can bring home any food you are not hungry for)
6. De stress yourself (Isn't that why you give up on your goals? Stress? Time? So calm down!)
7. For emotional eaters (Imagine something you love to do) weird tip but if all you need is a picker upper. Use your mind instead of your mouth! Cool huh?! And it works!

There is a lot more, but these ones hit me as things that would help me. Try it!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18th, 2013

It's been a while since I have been on here, but basically I have lost 2 lbs with my new calorie awareness diet. I use a website called Calorie Lookup . It helps me keep track of what I have eaten and it makes me more aware of the stuff I shouldn't be. For example did you know 1 tbs of butter is 100 cal? I know you must be thinking "duh, cuz it's butter!" but that hasn't stopped anyone from using it now has it? I love butter, but after I learned about this I was like...mmm peaches & cinnamon sound better. Did you know a peach is only 48 calories? Yah! Skip the butter and eat two peaches instead with a few calories to spare. I'm willing to bet you will be more full too! Bottom line is I am learning a lot and I still have days when I could do better. Like the other day I had my favorite fattening pasta from Cheesecake Factory, but if I keep things burning the way I have been I am not going to regret a little splurge day. Especially with my darling husband! Oh one more thing. I am going to try jogging in the morning with my baby now. I stopped early today because she looked sleepy, but I finally feel more comfortable with the idea and I think my body is finally healed from childbirth. My hips were never quite the same for a while. But now when I run I feel like I can really take off now. How happy!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 7, 2013

I have already lost one pound in the 3 days I have been watching how many calories I eat. If you are smart about trying to feel full and still be counting those suckers protein really does feel like the way to go. I am considering buying some of that Whey protein powder shakes that my brother tells me about a good deal.  i think this might finally be the thing I should have been going for from the start. :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 7, 2013- I don't know why I said November last time. I'm waaay off.

I found an interesting blog on how to lose 30lbs in 30 days. I am going to try to follow it the best I can but knowing my luck I might lose 5 lbs. Hey at least it would be SOME progress. It says to eat a lot of lean protien, no carbs past 4, and drink ALOT of water. It also has an exercise routine for the week mapped out:

Monday- Upper body (pushups, curls, rows, back curls, 2 min run)
repeated 3 times no rests
Tuesday -Lower body (squats, lunges, 1min run, sit ups, reverse sit ups 1min plank)
 repeated 3 times no rests
Wednesday- Cardio - My running day or P90X
We can assume no rests
Repeat and rest Saturday and Sunday.
Cool! I will have a go.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

November 4, 2013- A New Goal

Okay kids here is the deal. I haven't lost any weight at all and I am already in the middle of the deadline I have set for myself. Therefore I am starting again, but this time I am going for the Ulitmate goal I have always wanted to reach. I want to lose 55lbs by my birthday on March 22. That will make me 140 lbs total. So you are probably thinking..."Okay silly girl if you can't even lose one pound in a month in a half how are you going to lose 55 lbs in 7-8months?" Well I am doing the research here and I figured out that my BMI is over 30 (Obese, which seems wierd because I honestly don't think I look it.) And if I consume only 1,240 calories a day, this should be possible according to this website. So i am going to start this thing over and primarily focuse on what I consume. Don't worry. "Amber will run" but for now lets try to wait out the summer and stick to indoor cardio stuff. I am not giving up here folks. I am just trying again. Please keep reading my updates and posting comments. I need them.


FYI this week I ran on Monday, did some crunches on Tuesday and today I am going to try doing some P90X. Bytheway, some of these things are hard to do when your baby is napping.. :)