Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 6

Yesterday I had decided to take my running down a notch for a little recovery from my last run. I am very sore from last time, but once I got going I ran about as hard as I did last time on my block. That just means more progress! I think I will set a goal that in two weeks I will run 2 laps without walking once. Usually I walk at least half of one lap to catch my breath. Next time I won't need to! I am so glad I started blogging because it makes me feel like I have a partner that I have to be accountable to. Thank you to whoever reads this because it is another incentive to continue. Today I get to try that wrap I was talking about earlier. Let's see how much results I get. Just know that even if I didn't get much out of this whole thing physically my brain feels soo much better. Running is a good therapy for worry-warts like me. Although I may not have improved my life situation in any solid way, I feel better coming home to it after a run.
I just did an 8 min ab workout in place of my running today so that I get some more core muscle going on. Flat tummy here I come! Tomorrow is Sunday so I am taking a break to set goals and recuperate. I might blog some thoughts, but if not you are not missing a thing. 1 week complete!

P.S. I don't run with any Ipod but this is my favorite jogging/jumping jack song. It's a good tempo!
Jump- Van Halen

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